- Các thì trong tiếng anh
- Các thì hiện tại
+ Present simple tense
Never, seldom, rarely, often, usually, normally,
→ Luon dung; thoi quen; thoi khao bieu; trang thai,
+Present continous tense
→ Thoi diem noi; ke hoach;phan nan(alway)
+Present pefect tense
Since, ever, never, for, just
ready, lately, recently,(after have/has or at the and of the sentence)
Yet(in the negative or yes-no question)
So far, up to now, up to present, since then..
In recent years, this month, for
→ Qua khu con hien tai or ket qua con luu
Mot phan hanh dong nhung ko biet tg
Mot hd chua tung lam tinh toi hien tai
+Present pefect continuous tense
S+have/has been +V-ing
→ Vua ket thuc hien tai and trong tuong lai